MAD Pottress

My title is inspired by the witty (Mad) Hatter from Alice and Wonderland, his love for tea, and the play on words that leads to mad potter. Being a woman, I felt it appropriate to feminize the word, using the Japanese suffix -ress such as is found in empress.

`Yes, that’s it,’ said the Hatter with a sigh: `it’s always tea-time, and we’ve no time to wash the things between whiles.’ Image sourced from

While the Mad Hatter was named as such due to his erratic behavior, likely stemming from his profession which exposed him to chemicals, the term “mad” has evolved:

Most predominantly used in the greater New York area, “mad” is an appropriate replacement for Northern California’s “hella” and Boston’s “wicked.” In the common vernacular, it translates into “a lot” or “extremely.” Can be used almost interchangeably with any of the above listed words.
