Scuplture Gallery

To further explore symmetry and lattice relationships, I use slabs to construct sculpted forms and leverage my engineering background to bring functionality to them. Below is a lighted mixed media sculpture that I made to represent a perspective on symmetry and crystal structures in materials science.

Completed in April 2020 is “A Materials Science Perspective on Cubic Symmetry,” which is a mixed media, lighted sculpture; clay portion hand built from slabs in porcelain, starry night glaze, cone 6 oxidation. Additional components are wood (cherry), LED diodes, and associated electrical components for lighting the diodes from a standard wall outlet.

These three cubes each represent the atomic structure of a different material class and are oriented to illustrate different rotational axes that mathematically define the cube. 

I have an ongoing interest in cubes and their symmetry. Learn more about what symmetry features define a cube on my SYMMETRY page. The cube is an interesting and fun form, especially to make with slabs. Here are a few fun sculptural cubes.